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Benefits of Being a Finov8r Account Holder

Benefits of being an account holder are numerous and include the following:

Embedded Advisory

Embedded advisory designed for banks, fintechs and corporates.

Premium Content

Premium content including blogs, podcasts and video.

Venture Capital

Finov8r identifies and directly invests in banks and fintechs.

Community Banks

Finov8r advisory focused on community banks in the U.S.


Finov8r advisory focused on early-mid stage banktech and fintech.


Finov8r advisory focused on privately-held corporates.

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Finov8r Account Holders Have Advantages.

Allan Rayson spent the last twenty-five years building banks and fintechs, in several cases from scratch.

Allan has also been active in the venture community making direct investments into banks and fintech's, but also as a limited partner in several notable fintech venture funds. Allan has also raised significant equity and debt capital

The content, advisory and venture investing focus and capabilities are all a result of many years in the space as an executive, operator and entrepreneur.